First Independent Bank Names New Directors
Kathy Neels and Thomas Koerber were named as Directors of First Independent Bank at its annual board meeting held on January 27, 2021.
First Independent Bank: Your Partner for Farm Land Financing
Farm land and property are at the heart of any Ag business, which is why we make financing land an integral part of the services we offer at First Independent Bank. For over 100 years, we have helped aspiring and experienced farmers imagine the possibilities of the future. Together, we work to make that future a reality with farm mortgage loans, rural land loans, and more.
Four Fresh Money Moves to Start the New Year
The new year is upon us! If one of your goals is to improve your finances, we have some tips for you.
Helping Your Ag Business Grow: Machinery and Operation Financing from FIB
Running an Ag business takes expertise, hard work, and money. If any of these variables is missing, you’re going to have a hard time.
Expertise can be taught. Hard work can be learned. But money is something altogether different.
Beef Up Your Dairy Operations with a Dairy Farm Loan
USDA Census of Agriculture data ranks milk from cows as the fourth largest contributor to Minnesota’s agricultural sales, accounting for 9.4 percent of the state’s total agricultural products sold. On average, a Minnesota dairy farm has 200 head of dairy cows and spent $882,160 to produce milk in 2019. This spending generated $1.6 million of economic activity in the state – a significant source for our state!
Three Holiday Spending Tips to Keep You on Track Financially
The holiday season is a joyful time of family, gifts, and festive celebration. Unfortunately, sometimes financial worries add a lot of stress to our holidays. Here are three tips that will reduce stress and help you stay on track financially.