Personal loans give you the freedom to relax. They take the pressure off of the day-to-day and give you room for new opportunities and more flexibility.
Flexibility for Your Life
From recreation and leisure to the car you’ve been needing or an extra cushion of safety around your life, personal loans from First Independent Bank offer you the opportunity to move ahead with the flexibility and the financial capacity to make the right decisions for your family.
Our lending team works with you to find the right financing solution for you. With variable terms and conditions, personal loans from First Independent Bank aren’t a one-size-fits all solution. Those aren’t just words on a screen or on paper. First Independent is a local bank, building local communities and supporting local businesses.
Each loan requires the right terms that will work with each of our customers. Every person is different. Every situation is unique. For our customers, the flexibility that we bring to our personal loans means that each can get the expertise and lending support they need for their life based on terms and conditions that are going to work for them.
We’ll help you find the loan that’s right for you.
Personal Loans from First Independent Bank: Working with You and for You
Because we’re local, that means our decisions are local too. The lending decisions we make directly impact the people we work with. They support local businesses. They impact local families. We invest in our community by investing in the people that make up our community.
You need a lending solution for your life that will work with you to make the right decisions. You need a personal loan that will help you move forward with your life and not hold you back.
Our customers and our lending experts live in the same neighborhoods, send their kids to the same schools, and live in the same communities. They live life side-by-side, and the loans we provide at First Independent Bank support our neighbors and friends.
Personal Loans from First Independent Bank
Our personal lending solutions can help you with:
- Automobiles – New & Used
- ATVs & Motorcycles
- Campers
- Trucks & Trailers
- Boats, Motors & Trailers
- Personal Loans (Signature Loans and Bridge Loans, Personal Needs Financing)
- First Reserve (Overdraft Protection)
- Automatic Transfer Line of Credit & Cushion Line of Credit
Talk to a lending expert today to talk about a personal loan that will work for your life!